
Hey Queen,

Am I the coach you've been praying for?

You are no stranger to success and are grateful for all you've accomplished. You love what you do and love who you serve. You know you're made for more and are ready to figure out what's been stopping you from going there.

Let's Do This Together

It's time for ambitious, driven, servant hearted women to stop working from a place of overwhelm and start operating their business from a place of peace and overflow!


 Here's the deal...

You were not made to hustle & fight your way to success while sacrificing your family, sleep and sanity.

You were not made to run away from your God-given dreams and avoid the things you were created to do out because of that four-letter word, fear.

You were not made to stay stuck, wanting to do more but feeling paralyzed not knowing how to move forward.

You were made to do world changing things in flow with the Holy Spirit!

How do you want to grow right now?

My Identity Could Use A Makeover

Your mindset matters about who you are, sis! And if you're like me, you're not looking for words that just sound good. You're not interested in Pinterest quotes that don't line up to what God says about you. 

That's why I put together 100 Biblically rooted declarations to speak over yourself every day.

Download 100 Biblical Declarations
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My Mindset Could Use An Audit & Re-Alignment

If you're ready to learn how to audit & align your Belief System to God's thoughts, then this transformational program is for you! Don't let imposter syndrome, fear, or religion hold you back from God' best for you one more day.

If you know you're made for MORE and ready to pursue the abundant life Jesus promised you, we'll see you on the inside. 

Check out the Made to F.L.O.W. Academy™️
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I Want 1:1 Support & Coaching

This intimate high-touch coaching experience is for the leader already making 6+ figures who knows she's made for more. She wants to stop fighting for God's promises and start flowing in them.

Let's get to the root of what's really holding you back from your next level.

Apply for 1:1 Coaching with Heather
Learn More

“You were a critical point in my journey - both in my faith and opening my eyes to going deeper AND to walk into my calling for ministry. I just thank you so much for allowing God to use you!”

- Shannon T.

Hi friend! I’m Heather!

God's Girl. Wife. Mama. Business & Life Coach, and Your Personal Cheerleader.

I’m a classroom teacher turned corporate exec, turned serial entrepreneur, who now gets to mentor women like you! I am passionate about helping Jesus loving business women stop striving for success and start seeking the Father to co-labor with Him. 

It lights my soul on fire seeing women like you grow their business while growing in their relationship with the Lord!

God is about to blow your mind. Are you ready?
My story

Join the Seek First CEO Free Community


If you’re a high achieving Kingdom woman who believes you’re called to impact the world through your gifts, then join my free FB community!

If your heart’s desire is to grow in your relationship with Jesus, while fearlessly fulfilling your purpose and calling, then let’s open up the Word together and see what the Holy Spirit has to say about living your life in F.L.O.W. with Him!

Are you ready?

Join Today!

“Just had to share...I was chatting with my hubby and he has noticed positive changes in me since I started working with you! This made my day and I needed to share it with you! God is so good, putting you in people’s lives!”

- Amy T.

The Seek First CEO Podcast

Ready to get your mindset and heartset in sync with the Father and learn to live in FLOW with the Holy Spirit? Take a listen to my podcast. 100+ episodes are waiting for you!

Listen to the Latest Podcast Episode Here!